Who got The Finger?
Posted by DomainGang on March 8, 2025, at 7:50 pm
Getting the finger doesn’t sound very exciting; in fact, whoever gives the finger to someone most likely lacks manners.
It doesn’t matter if you got upset, the finger is a gesture that has been considered a bad insult since ancient times.
The ancient Greeks referenced the finger as “daktylos” in comedic plays to provoke and insult the play’s viewers. In ancient Rome, “digitus impudicus” was the finger gesture’s name, being used as an offensive gesture of disregard.
It comes as no surprise that the domain was registered in 2001 and was sold for $2,250 dollars in 2008 according to NameBio.
What’s surprising: someone gave that costly acquisition the finger by forgetting to renew it. expired, dropped, and was caught by DropCatch.
The winning bid of $3,250 dollars was placed by DropCatch user “oddson” who gave everyone else the finger and received in exchange.
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