How’s the Domain Investing Going?

5 days ago 4

How’s the Domain Investing Going?

Posted on 06 March 2025 by NamePros Daily

Today: Evaluation / Domains Wanted – Budget $50 Per Domain / Bingo Guys? and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: Evaluation – How would you value this two word domain in today’s market? Could it be worth anything for this domainer? They have a few others they would like evaluated as well.

Domains Wanted – Budget $50 Per Domain – Check you domain portfolios and see if you have what they are looking for! Three letters but here’s the kicker they want it to be a dot me, weird. the usual no numbers, no hyphens, bulk is preferred.

Bingo Guys? – Anybody up for a game of Domainer Bingo? Check out this awesome bingo card that is just spot on for domainers.

Appraisal of – Check out this interesting domain name. Normally number letter combinations aren’t too sought after but I could see this working for quit a few ideas. What do you think?

How’s the Domain Investing Going? – How are we feeling about the current economic uncertainty in domaining recently? With all the prices going up why not domains.

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