Expired Domains: New Tool to Search for Recently Expired Names You Can Register

10 months ago 54

PALM BEACH, FL –  A new free-to-use website features an interesting tool that allows domain investors to search for expired, inexpensive domains that can be registered. https://justexpired.net allows users to search through a plethora of domains that have recently expired in order to discover ones that may be worth picking up for their possible intrinsic value.

Typically, the most desirable expired domains are not picked up in searches such as these because they are usually gobbled up quickly by way of drop catching – also known as domain sniping – which is the practice of registering a domain name once registration has lapsed, immediately after expiry.

However, some potentially valuable domains manage to elude drop catching services and subsequently become available for hand registration. These can normally be difficult to track down in the wild, but JustExpired appears to possess several filters that can assist users of the website in identifying decent, overlooked domains that may be floating about in the web:

  • Sentiment rating: sorts domains by positive sentiment (example: GoodIncome.com), negative sentiment (example: BadIncome.com), and neutral sentiment.
  • Theme: users can select 8 specific categories, such as “technology” and “food & drinks.”
  • Spamscore: assists with avoiding domains with bad backlinks.
  • Original registration date: allows users to view domains by when they were originally registered for the first time.

Experts have noted that JustExpired has allowed them to discover a number of domains that are worth paying the fee to register, as the ones found by the site’s tool show the potential to increase in value over time and may provide an adequate return on their initial expenditure.

Despite still being in its beta phase, JustExpired is nonetheless quite worth paying a visit to if you’re looking for recently-dropped domains to invest in.

The site also offers an email notification system for those who just do not have time to search each day; you can just type in some keywords and you’ll receive a daily email on matching domains.

The post Expired Domains: New Tool to Search for Recently Expired Names You Can Register first appeared on Strategic Revenue - Domain and Internet News.
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